What Is Your AMH Level
AMH stands for Anti-Mullerian Hormone. This hormone level is an indicator of ovarian reserve. It can be tested via bloodwork to determine the number of follicles inside the ovaries as well as a woman’s egg count.
For the most part, AMH levels decrease as you age meaning that fertility decreases at a much faster rate when women reach their 30’s and 40’s. Hence a high AMH level indicates a higher number of eggs remaining in the ovaries. A very high AMH can mean that a woman may possibly have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). A low AMH indicates a low number of follicles left leading to infertility.
A typical AMH level for a fertile woman is 1.0–4.0 ng/ml; under 1.0 ng/ml is considered low and indicative of a diminished ovarian reserve. Here is a chart explaining the levels:
AMH Level (ng/ml)InterpretationGeneral Age Prediction>3.0High (possibly PCOS)< 30 years old1.0-3.0Normal30-38 years old0.4-0.9Low>38 years old<0.4Very Low>40 years old
Now that you have this information, why not go get tested? Find a fertility clinic in your area and call to see how much an assessment is. Life is full of surprises and so is your fertility.