De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: “Mother’s Thumb” Causes, Symptoms & Treatment NYC

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis or “mother’s thumb,” is one of the most common postpartum conditions due to the constant overuse of the thumb and wrist in the care of a newborn. New mothers find themselves in sustained positions during lifting, carrying and feeding that throw the wrist out of alignment causing the thumb tendons to acquire repetitive stress and overuse. 

Mother’s Thumb Treatment

The good news is that physical therapy is a conservative way to learn how to resolve symptoms if you already have, but even more importantly is knowing what positions to avoid and ways to prevent even getting it.  The last thing new mothers need is to add to their physical pain and discomfort. Below are some images of areas of pain, positions that cause, and diagnosis and treatment.

Image A: points to the localized area that most mothers get sharp pain with thumb movement

Image B: is the most common movement that causes this condition. Usually this is how we pick up a newborn and hold them in front of us.

Image C: is the test to check if you have it. If you put your thumb inside your palm and stretch down there should be no pain and minimal stretching.  Image C is also part of the treatment of stretching the thumb tendons.

Finding a Physical Therapist

Now that you’ve determined the possibility of having mother’s thumb, please reach out to us at FemFirstHealth for a consultation. It’s important to not let this go and allow it to become more painful and chronic.  Our team of women’s health and orthopedic physical therapists will guide your treatment and give you a more specific treatment plan. The good news is that treatment mostly consists of a few stretches and exercises that can easily be done at home which is extremely important for new mothers.  Looking forward to speaking with you soon!

Book Appointment

The specialists at FemFirstHealth treat patients at our Midtown and Upper West Side offices in New York City.

If you or someone you know would benefit, contact us to book an appointment.

Click here to contact us or call us directly at (646) 678-3034.