Hormonal Acne

According to the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, 54 percent of women older than age 25 experience facial acne. We sat down and spoke with Dr. Kiran Mian, of Flatiron Family Medicine, to ask her a number of questions on why hormonal acne happens and how we can prevent it. 

What are the different types of acne?

There are 4 different types of acne:

  • The most common form of acne is Comedonal acne which is a blockage of the pore. Comedonal acne is specially in the appearance of blackheads and whiteheads.  They can form when dead skin cells get trapped within hair follicle combined with natural oils, creating a plug to form in your pore. 

  • Inflammatory acne can occur due to increased skin reactivity. Hence, it can cause redness and irritation. 

  • Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne that affects the least amount of people. Nodules and cysts appear and may need referral to a specialist, as it might leave scars or already show signs of scarring. This is partly because the main drugs used to treat cystic acne are tightly controlled.

  • Hormonal acne specific to women occurs when our hormone receptors become more sensitive to testosterone. Hence, our sebaceous glands start to become overactive in response to testosterone, creating excess oil production leading to breakouts. Hormonal acne can lead to scarring on your face 

What phases of life do women suffer from hormonal acne the most?

Hormonal acne affects women mostly through adolescence and again through ages 25-40. When present, it mainly appears in a pattern around the chin and jawline. It is characterized by the formation of pink papules that can be very painful to the touch. 

What is the best treatment for hormonal acne?

The best and most common treatment for hormonal acne is a pill called Spironolactone. It is an anti-testosterone medication that blocks the receptor for testosterone. And it does not affect your hormone levels. Besides Spironolactone, you can also try the Excel V laser. This laser can shrink down the sebaceous gland and decrease inflammation by using heat. The heat decreases bacteria and reduces post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, which is the color created by the acne lesions. 

What are your best and most natural daily recommendations to prevent hormonal acne?

Having a diet that is anti-inflammatory is the best route. Try and avoid skim milk and high-glycemic index foods, such as sugar. It is important to ingest food with good healthy fats such as avocado and nuts. 

Dr. Mian, what is your favorite skincare product? 

A toner with alpha-hydroxy acid

Our FemFirst Takeaway:

There is a lot you can do to have healthy skin and prevent acne. Having a healthy diet is very important to preventing acne. You should always see a dermatologist as soon as you start noticing the appearance of acne on your skin. Acne creates scars and scars are permanent! 


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