How To Do A Perineal Massage

This page has been medically reviewed by Dr. Kristin Sapienza PT, DPT at FemFirstHealth, a women’s health and wellness practice located in NYC.

What is a perineal massage?

A perineal massage is stretching the perineal tissue using one’s own fingers. The goal of a perineal massage is to prepare your vaginal tissues for child delivery.

A perineal stretch can be done in multiple positions by yourself or with the help of a partner. The key is finding where you are comfortable or where your pelvic floor is the most relaxed it can be.

A couple suggestions are:

1.) Sit in a semi-reclined position in a warm, comfortable area, with your knees bent and your legs apart.

2.) Standing in the shower with your leg up on a ledge.

Perineal massage instructions:


Step 1: Prolonged Stretch – Place your thumbs about 1 to 1 1/2 inches (to or just past your first knuckle) inside your vagina. You can use a water based lubricant if you like. Press down toward the rectum “6 o’ clock” and toward the sides at the same time “4-8 o’ clock”. Gently and firmly continue stretching until you feel a slight burn or tingling. Hold this stretch for about 1-2 minutes.

Step 2: Gentle Massage with Thumbs – Now slowly and gently massage the lower part of the vagina “4-8 o’clock” back and forth, hooking your thumbs onto the sides of your vagina and gently pulling the tissue forward, as your baby’s head will do stretching through the birth canal. Continue massage for 3-4 minutes.

Step 3: Gentle Massage with Thumbs and Forefingers – Finally, massage the tissue between the thumb and forefinger back and forth for about 1 minute.

Total Time: 5-7 minutes, maximum 3-4 times a week

Be gentle!

A vigorous touch could cause bruising or swelling. During the massage, avoid pressure on the urethra (urinary opening or “12 o clock” ) as this can lead to irritation or infection.


Frequently asked questions about perineal massage.

Does perineal massage really help?

Research shows that for someone’s first pregnancy, doing a perineal massage consistently before birth might have a small but measurable impact on reducing the need for stitches, either from a tear or an episiotomy.

How do I give my wife a perineal massage?

To complete a perineal massage, follow the same instructions above, but you will be the one massaging your wife’s perenium, instead of herself. Make sure to communicate the whole time so she can tell you if there is any pain.

When should you start perineal massage?

It is important to start a perineal massage between 30-34 weeks of pregnancy and to do it at least 3-4 times per week in order to help create flexibility and stretching in the pelvic floor tissues, and to avoid tearing during birth.

How is a perineum massage done?

Follow the instructions above to learn how to do a perineal massage. If you have questions or need help doing a perineal massage, please contact us at FemFirstHealth to book an appointment.

Additional resource:

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About FemFirstHealth

FemFirsthHealth is a women’s health physical therapy practice designed to bring physical therapy and wellness services to the women of the New York City Tri-state Area.

We specialize in pelvic floor physical therapy, prenatal & postpartum carevisceral manipulation, painful intercourse, breast cancer rehabilitation, and pilates rehabilitation.

Our intent is to create a network of women’s health resources to help you get out of pain or get you back on your feet. We have offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

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